Sunday, February 06, 2011


It was a Sunday. Like any other weekend, this weekend too I had planned out my itinerary which was choc-a-block with schedules – meeting the contractor to fix up a deal, meeting the ex-owner of my house to pay my share of property tax, a colleague coming home… Then there was a long list of chores to be done – cleaning up the house, washing clothes, preparing masala dosa for the neighbours… Gosh! No time to stand and stare and woosh.. Sunday is gone. But man plans and God disposes. The ex-owner meeting got cancelled and I rejoiced that finally I had some time to myself. Then I remembered, “Oh No… there is an office report to be completed” It was nearing six in the evening. Grudgingly, I switched on the office lap top. A blank screen mocked at me and the laptop reminded me that it was Sunday and it was enjoying a holiday. The workaholic in me started getting restless. I still had the household chores to get done. I permitted myself to take a 15 minute break and switched on the TV. Nothing interested me. I switched it off and went and sat by the window. The view outside took my breathe away. The sun was setting. The water in the swimming pool in the neighbouring building glistened in the golden rays of the setting sun. The birds were returning to their homes. Everything was so surreal and peaceful. I felt my restless mind calming down. The thought stuck me – I have been staying in this house for over four and half months. But I never really noticed the natural beauty right outside my window!!! My permitted 15 minutes slipped by. I did not force myself to get up and continued to drink in the beauty and serenity. So what if the chores were yet to be done? Life does not end there.In today’s times, our lives are bound by the clock and stringent routines. We really do not have time to stand and stare and soon enough its too late. Take that small break today. It does not hurt to postpone some routines a bit. Life is not just deadlines. Gaze at that butterfly…. Smile at a neighbor….. sit by the sea…. You may never get a tomorrow !!!!


RKVS Raman said...


I suggest you read this book

geetabp said...

@Raman: Sure I will. But is that a positive comment or negative?

RKVS Raman said...


Definitely a positive one. The book talks about how we have unnecessarily increased the pace of our life.

More in the lines of your post.